For quite a while now I’ve been crushing on Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener, so I’ve decided it’s time to make it one of my Kalyn’s Kitchen Picks! This is my favorite sweetener for baking, adding to sauces and salad dressings, and for using in any recipe that calls for sugar.

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photo of Lakanto Monk Fruit Zero Calorie Sweetener

For quite a while now I’ve been using a zero calorie sweetener that I really like, and after I made Low-Carb No Bake Cherry Cheesecake Dessert and it was gobbled up by Kara’s kids, I knew it was time to officially add Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener to my list of Kalyn’s Kitchen Picks! In the past I’d sometimes gotten bad reviews from the kids when they tested low-sugar desserts made with other sweeteners, but this one was a winner.

What is Monkfruit?

Monk fruit is a plant that grows in Asia, and the fruit is about 250 times sweeter than sugar. It’s been used in Asia for hundreds of years, but Monk Fruit Sweeteners just started showing up in the last five years or so in the U.S. Because Monkfruit is so much sweeter than sugar, Monkfruit products you buy have pure Monkfruit that’s mixed with another type of sweetener, usually erythritol. Monk fruit Sweetener has zero calories, zero glycemic index, and zero net carbs, and it doesn’t have any side effects. When I heard about Monkfruit I searched and read about it all over the web, and it seems to be universally considered to be a safe sweetener.

What Monkfruit do I like best?

I’ve used several brands of Monkfruit, and I like them all better than I do some types of other sweeteners. But the one I like best is Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetemer, which makes a wide variety of products using Monkfruit. The Lakanto products I use most are Golden Monkfruit Sweetener (affiliate link) which has more of a brown sugar flavor and Classic Monkfruit Sweetener (affiliate link) which is a great all-purpose sweetener that measures 1:1 to sugar. I haven’t tried every product Lakanto makes, but I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve tried.

How does Lakanto Monkfruit taste?

And best of all, I think Lakanto Monkfruit tastes great for a no calorie sweetener. One thing I know from blogging is that things taste different to different people, but to me the taste of Monkfruit sweetener is closest to the taste of sugar out of all the different types of of sweeteners I’ve used, with no after taste. And it’s the one sweetener I’ve tried that I think tastes great in coffee.

Recipes I’ve Made Using Monk Fruit:

I’ve used Monkfruit Sweetener in hundreds of recipes since I first tried it;  here is a sample of the dishes I’ve used it in:

Where Can You Get Monk Fruit Sweetener?

I first bought Lakanto Monkfruit from Amazon to try it, but now I am seeing it in the stores where I get groceries, even Costco! You can buy Lakanto Monfruit Sweetener at if you don’t find it at your local store. (affiliate link)

More About Kalyn’s Kitchen Picks:

Kalyn’s Kitchen Picks is an occasional blog feature where I spotlight products I love. Everything featured as one of my picks is a product I have purchased myself, and because I want readers to know that my choices are completely unbiased, I don’t accept sample products from the many companies that offer to send them to me. You can see all the products I’ve spotlighted at the page for Kalyn’s Kitchen Picks.

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