Ten Reasons I Love the South Beach Diet and Happy New Year Everyone!

They say the best blogs uniquely reflect the people who write them, and Kalyn’s Kitchen comes from my split personality approach to food. On the one hand, I’m passionately interested in cooking and eating good food, while on the other hand I’m committed to the South Beach Diet way of eating. Whichever side of my food personality brings you here, I’m grateful for everyone who stops by and keeps coming back. I hope all my readers have good things ahead in 2007.
I’ve been taking a week off from the blog, and to my surprise, people are still visiting! I can tell from looking at the stats that a lot of people are looking for South Beach Diet help at this time of year. I’ve been doing a little diet backsliding myself from Thanksgiving to Christmas, so during January I’ll be going back to phase one for a few weeks. To help others who might have the same idea, I’ll be featuring phase one recipes for the month of January.
It’s almost obligatory in the media world to end the year with some kind of top ten list, and although I previously shared why I love the South Beach Diet, here’s my top ten list of reasons why.
Ten Reasons I Love the South Beach Diet
1. South Beach isn’t a traditional low carb diet, so after the initial two weeks, you can eat rice, pasta, and bread, if you pay attention to the glycemic index when you choose your ingredients.
2. It’s not a low fat diet, so if you limit saturated fats and trans-fats, you can still eat a lot of very yummy foods that would be forbidden on many traditional low-fat diet plans.
3. This diet has gotten me to start the day with a good breakfast, an important health habit I’ve never been able to achieve before.
4. If you’re human like me, you can cheat a little and a few weeks back on phase one will take off any pounds that have crept back on. This flexibility should probably be number one on my list, because this is the only diet I’ve ever been able to stick to.
5. If you start eating the low-glycemic index way, you’ll have more energy than you ever imagined. I simply never get tired during the day the way I used to.
6. An amazing variety of foods are actually low on the glycemic index, so the diet works for someone like me who thinks about food most of the time!
7. The cover of The South Beach Diet Book says “lose belly fat first” and it really does happen! (I recommend reading the book from cover to cover before you start the diet if you’re considering it.)
8. When you stop eating white flour, sugar, high glycemic white rice, regular white flour pasta, and potatoes you won’t get hungry the way you used to. I would never have believed this before I tried the South Beach way of eating.
9. When you stop eating sugar, your craving for it and other high-sugar foods will completely disappear. Again, it’s amazing.
10. I’ve truly experienced that this diet can really change your life. I’ll always be grateful that I discovered this way of eating and I know I’ll never go back to my old eating habits again.
So there you have it, my top ten list for 2006! Tomorrow it’s back to reality and back to recipes again for Kalyn’s Kitchen. And whether or not you’re interested in the South Beach Diet, if you like seafood I’m betting you’ll love the yummy phase one recipe that’s coming up tomorrow to kick off a month of phase one recipes.
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37 Comments on “Ten Reasons I Love the South Beach Diet and Happy New Year Everyone!”
I never heard about The South Beach Diet before and I can see that it is very popular. I believe in your 10 reason to love this diet, but still you needed lots of self commitment to follow diet for whole year. Congrats to you!
Thank you SO much for this amazing blog. I wanted good tasting Phase One food, and I got it. I'm only looking to shed a few pounds, but I'm starting to love this way of eating. It's really good and good for you too! I absolutely LOVE your Baked Chicken Breasts stuffed with Sage-Pecan Pesto. Best chicken in my life. Here's to healthy eating!
Carrie, good luck. I know it will work if you stick with it!
Thanks for the encouragement! I am starting the diet tomorrow!!
Anonymous, so glad you liked them. Thanks for letting me know.
I made the egg muffins this morning!!! They were awesome!! My 4 year old son loves them too!!! I added jalapenos to a couple and that was so good and I put a dollop of cream cheese in the middle… Thank you for the great recipes!!
Just found your site, thanks to a recipe posted on a friend's facebook page. I love it!
Ed, it’s a photo I took of tomatoes from my garden.
Hi, I’m wondering if you could tell me where you got such a great photo of tomatoes? It’s truly a high quality shot, and I need a few like it.
Mamateena, my own doctor also recommends it. Thanks for the nice thoughts about the blog.
I started on the diet because a relative of mine was advised to by a doctor, for health reasons. It is an amazing way to eat, and so simple. I enjoy you blog so much and often check in to see what I should make for dinner!
Thank you
Getting ready to begin SBD a group of coworkers and myself are beginning Jan. 5th. I hope with the added support I will be able to accomplish some weight loss goals.
Laurie, I’m sorry you’re not having success. I’m only here to provide recipes that people may enjoy; I’m not qualified to give diet advice, nor do I know why it may or may not work for others. You may want to check with your doctor or sign up the South Beach online site and ask for advice in the forums.
I am just not losing weight on the SBD and yet I am following all the guidelines, drinking water, and walking. Help???
I am getting ready to start the South Beach Diet for the first time… thanks for the helpful info and inspiration. I hope I can make it thru the first two weeks!!!
Sofia, there is a measurement converter in the right sidebar of the blog. One tablespoon of water is about 1 fluid ounce.
I would really like some help here, iยดm from sweden so i donยดt really understand the measurements that are used. But i found a converter online but still in one recipe i see this “1-2 T water (for larger pan use 2 T)
” What does a T mean? Please explain! :)Email me or live a comment on my sweidsh blog. Click on the orange word “Kommentarer” and wright your answer in the big box below.
Thanks for all the help with the recpipes. I found a bunch of goodSouth Beach Diet Recipes here. I found that if I got into a routine, and only bought the things I need from the store to make my same 7 dishes a week, then it helped keep me from cheating. I’ve lost 37lbs so far.
Love to see others following through on their goals. My wife and I just started one ourselves. On the second day and feeling great.
Kalyn,I really enjoy reading your blog.Whenever I feel like going to SBD,the first thought comes to my mind is Kalyn’s kitchen.Even me and my husband starting with phase one in this new year..But I am glad there are so many receipes out there to try out from yours!!
i am so thankful for all of the recipies and cannot wait to try them all!
I just found your blog this weekend, and I have to tell you, I couldn’t be happier. I decided to try South Beach and December 1st is D-Day for me. You have such great recipies that I’m sure I’ll be able to make some delicious food for myself.
I can’t wait to discover all of the yummy food you have suggested on here.
Thank you so much for this blog — I think it’s going to be one of the “tools” that helps make this new lifestyle a success.
Thanks for the info!
Maria, thanks for taking time to let me know you like my site, and good luck with South Beach.
Hi Kalyn,
I’ve just started the South Beach Diet today! I have spent weeks researching the diet and being a vegetarian, it has been very difficult to follow a low-carb lifestyle and when stumbling on the SBD, it was almost love at first sight!
I’m hoping to lose 5-8 kilos…so here’s hoping!
Your site is a great reference for me..
Hi Kalyn! I must say that I love you! I’ve been back on SB for about 3 weeks and struggling. I have been very successful with it in the past, but had a baby and ruined all the hard work. It seems harder to get going this time, but now that I have found this wonderful site I’m feeling optimistic again. I can’t wait to go try so many of these recipes. You rock!
Thanks for posting such amazing recipes on your site! I found it with a Google search, and it’s definately in my favorites list now. I love to cook, but working full time and going to school at night doesn’t leave a lot of time for me to experiment with food. Bless you for posting recipes that I can actually make!
I hope that you have a wonderful New Year.
I’ll be reading faithfully and using your recipes.
You’ll make a very good salesperson, Kalyn:) Happy New Year!!
Thanks everyone for all the nice wishes. The most fun part of blogging is getting to “know” all you guys through your blogs or comments.
Of course we’re still coming… this is one of my favorite blogs! Keep a posting ๐
Happy New Year and continued success on the South Beach Diet.
Almost you persuade me. I’ve got those excess holiday pounds too. Happy New Year, Kalyn!! Have a delicious one!
Kalyn, have a very happy New Year!!! I’ve enjoyed your blog so much, and your support of mine! Thanks!
happy new year kalyn! thanks for being such a great blogger, friend, teacher and inspiration in 2006. all the best for you in the coming year.
Happy new year!
Tanna, thanks! It’s good to know that someone appreciates my “unique” personality!
Indosungod, Happy New Year to you too, and if you do decide to go on a diet, South Beach is a great one.
Kalyn, Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Know for sure I need to go on some diet with all the eating during the holidays. Thanks to this post I have been reading up on South Beach Diet.
I think it’s safe to say I’ll be coming back here in 2007 for just two reasons:
I’m always after the good food
I like your unique personality and your reflection in your blog!
Happy New Year.