Kalyn’s Kitchen is celebrating ten years, and I’m reflecting on the many ways this blog has made my life better. And if you’re stopping by, thanks for your support over the last ten years!
I’ve always been sentimental about celebrating my blog birthdays, as well as my actual ones, and for a few weeks now I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the idea that this little blog of mine is now ten years old!Just like every birthday that ends in a zero, ten years of blogging seems like a milestone, and today I’m feeling grateful to all the readers, fellow bloggers, friends, and family members who have been supportive of my blog during that time.
If I tried to mention even a fraction of the people who’ve somehow helped with my blog, this would be a very long post indeed, but I do need to thank my brother Rand (who was the blog whisperer who got me started, and who’s donated many hours of design work), and my web designer Jennette (who does all the techy behind-the-scenes stuff that I have no idea how to do.) Kalyn’s Kitchen as you know it wouldn’t exist without these two talented people.
I could also write ten years worth of thank you notes to reply to faithful readers who have left comments, (here, and on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest), sent me nice e-mails, and given me just enough positive feedback on a regular basis to keep the blogging energy going. Without readers, blogging would feel like a party where nobody showed up, and I’m thankful every day for the people who support my blog by stopping by.
When I started thinking about ten years of blogging, one of the first things I realized is that there’s never been even one single day in that time when I’ve gotten up in the morning and thought, “I wish I’d never started this blog.” That says a lot about how much I’ve enjoyed ten years of of creating recipes, taking photos, writing posts, sharing the recipes here, and interacting with readers.
But more than just being something enjoyable to do, the blog has actually made my life better in both simple and complex ways. So to celebrate Kalyn’s Kitchen turning ten, here’s my attempt at articulating Ten Ways Blogging Has Enriched My Life, with my sometimes goofy photos from ten years of blog birthday posts counting them down.
Blogging Has Given Me a Second Career
I have to start with this one, although it’s probably obvious to anyone who’s more than a casual visitor that blogging has given me a chance to have a second career. I certainly didn’t plan it that way, and when I started the blog I was happily teaching fourth grade. But when I’d spent four years trying to manage both blogging and teaching I realized I couldn’t do both, and after 30 years in the classroom I was ready to retire from teaching. Becoming a full-time blogger has allowed me some pretty life-enriching things I couldn’t have managed on a teacher’s salary, especially the blessing of a new house that’s big enough that my huge extended family can gather there.
Blogging Has Allowed Me to Work From Home
I know some people think bloggers just spend an hour or two a day working in their pajamas, but actually I’m working as hard on this blog as I ever did in the classroom. But even though it takes hours of work every day to keep a food blog going, being able to do it at home wearing yoga pants is definitely something that’s made life easier for me. I was especially lucky that I could work at home when I had a few rough periods in my life over the last ten years. And while anyone who works at home knows how it can be both a curse and a blessing, for me it’s been mostly a blessing.
Blogging Has Kept Me Focused On My Healthy Eating Journey
Blogging Has Helped Me Make a Difference in the World
People who choose a career like teaching and stay in it for thirty years do so because they have a strong need to contribute something to the world. I don’t think I realized how important that was to me until I quit teaching, and I’m happy that having a blog that’s focused on healthy eating and weight loss has allowed me to continue impacting the lives of others in a positive way. I’ve received countless letters and comments from readers telling me how my recipes have helped them lose weight, and thanking me for it. Nothing feels better than knowing you’re making a difference for other people, and I’m grateful to this blog for giving me that gift every day.
Blogging Has Given Me a Creative Outlet
I’ve always been the personality type who’s been driven to create things, whether it was a new recipe, letters-to-the-editor, or just a new way to organize my freezer, and blogging has given me a creative outlet for three of my biggest passions in life: cooking, writing, and photography. And when I look back and remember when I bought my first digital camera and started posting simple photos on this blog, I’m grateful for how much I’ve learned.
Blogging Has Helped Me Keep Up with Technology
No one has ever accused me of being a geek! In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m one of the least technologically proficient bloggers around. But blogging has forced me to constantly learn new skills and try to keep up with the latest in technology, even when I didn’t want to! And although I’ll never be as interested in technology as I am in some of the other parts of blogging, I’m happy for the constant nudge to keep up with it that blogging provides. (And don’t you agree that constant changes in technology make life both easier and harder? When I think of how much the mechanics and scope of blogging has changed in ten years – mind blown!)
Blogging Has Inspired Me to Try New Foods and Cooking Techniques
I’ve always loved cooking and trying new foods; that fact is probably obvious. But blogging has given me even more of an incentive to indulge my foodie passions, and it’s been fun having Jake and Kara join me in those kitchen experiments the last few years. And being part of a bigger community of food bloggers has inspired me to try new things or think of old ingredients in new ways as well, which is something that makes the process of creating recipes a lot more fun!
Blogging Has Kept Me Mentally Stimulated
Blogging is constantly changing, and to succeed you have accept and adapt to those changes. And accepting change isn’t always my favorite thing to do! But even though I may complain about the ways blogging has changed, I also recognize that change can be a positive force that keeps your mind stimulated and active. I appreciate the benefit of that, even when I don’t always enjoy it.
Younger Blogging Friends Have Helped Keep Me Young
There are literally hundreds of thousands of food bloggers in the world, and it’s safe to say that almost all of them are younger than me. But there’s nothing to do about age but embrace it, and being in a field where you’re always being influenced by younger people can be a very good thing. I love my younger food blogger friends who help me see the blogging world through different eyes, and I’m 100% positive that being around so much young energy helps keep me thinking more like a young person. (And I have plenty of more mature blogging friends as well, who remind me that there’s a kind of wisdom that only comes with age, so it’s the best of both worlds!)
Blogging has Brought Amazing People Into My Life
And finally, by far the most important way blogging has enriched my life is how it’s given me virtual and real-life opportunities to meet generous, creative, and inspiring people from all over the world. I have truly loved making connections with amazing bloggers, internet professionals, cookbook authors, food professionals, and other talented people who are somehow a part of the huge food blogging family. And I’ve been lucky enough to meet interesting and talented readers through the blog as well, many of whom have inspired me to try new recipes or think about what I’m doing here in different ways. Thanks to everyone who has been one of those enriching influences in my life.
What About the Next Ten Years?
I’m planning to keep Kalyn’s Kitchen going strong for many, many more years. But one thing I’ve been thinking about lately is how much time I spend sitting in front of the computer, and how much of the world I have yet to see. So much more time spent traveling is definitely part of the plan for the coming ten years!
What Has Enriched Your Life Over the Last Ten Years?
If you’re managed to read all the way through this more-personal-than-usual post, thanks again for being someone who has shared the journey with me in some way. And if you’re motivated to leave a comment here to add to the memories, I’d love to hear about what has enriched your life over the last ten years.
More Blogging Memories:
(These are the other anniversary posts I’ve written each year.)
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Wishing you a very, very happy blog birthday! Such wise words too, and many sentiments that I share. I am proud to have been your friend for much of the past ten years, even though we have yet to meet in person (but I live in hope, especially when I read about your travel plans!). Here's to the next ten years!
Wow! Congratulations Kalyn on 10 years of a great blog with good recipes and interesting writing! A great resource for me since I like to cook great food. You are amazing with or without the blog! I'm lucky to have you as an amazing sister. love, Val
Congratulations Kalyn – that is amazing! You were one of the first blogs I started following when I began blogging nearly 5 years ago. I really admire all the consistent high quality posts you continue to bring to your audience. I know how much work goes into it so I am incredibly grateful to have gotten to meet you. Thank you for always being so supportive and best wishes for at least another 10 years!
Congratulations on ten great years!! I enjoyed reading over the anniversary posts from each year — double digits is a big deal!! I'm so very grateful to have such an inspiring sister and friend. Much love…
Congrats Kalyn! Your blog and ethics have always been inspiration to me. What an amazing accomplishment and I can't wait to see what the next 10 years brings you.
Congrats on ten great years! You were one of the first blogs I discovered when I started blogging seven years ago. Of course, now you are my social media queen.
Love your blog, since I started following "South Beach", you are my go to for everything. Love your recipes. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary…
I should have added…what has enriched my life the last 10 years: My kids! Blogging – it has given me a career as well, one I could never have planned on as well as so many travel opportunities as well as friendships
Oh Kalyn, happy 10th birthday to your blog!! I just love it and you and I really love all of your reflections in this post. I started reading you when I was on south beach 7-8 years ago and I'll never forget meeting you in Park City at Evo, that was such a highlight for me. Your hard work shows in everything you do, glad we know each other through this fun thing they call blogging! 🙂 xoxo
I am a new follower but recently made your Mock Lasagna/spaghetti squash style. It was fantastic! I also have tried your method of freezing fresh basil. Congratulations and thank you for sharing such great recipes and ideas! Nancy
What a beautiful, positive post, Kalyn! Happy 10th blogiversary! You've been a true inspiration and friend to your readers and fellow bloggers/friends. I'm so glad that you're going to continue to be there for us all. 🙂 I'm also happy that you're going to do more traveling and enjoy yourself!
Comment from Genie Gratto, who can't get Blogger to publish her comment so she delivered it to me via e-mail!
10 years!!! Many congratulations, and I'm so grateful to have considered you a blogger colleague AND a friend for so many of those years. Here's to the next decade — may it be as fruitful as this one has been! You are such a valuable member of the food blogging community, and an inspiration to so many of us.
Congratulations Kalyn! Has it really been 10 years? Whenyou created your blog it was the first one I "favorited" and read daily. So many wonderful recipes. So much good eating. I've been away for a while. I'm so glad I'm back enjoying your blog again. More good eating!
You are one of the first blogs I found when I started to eat low carb. I have been reading you for at least 7 years and a few family favorites come from your site. Way to go on achieving 10 years, that's amazing.
Congratulations! That is a hug accomplishment. If there's one thing I've learned about you over the years it's that when you do something, you do it well. Happy celebrating!
Congratulations Kalyn. As the years progress, I wonder how long my blog will last, but it is nice that you were able to make a bigger part of your life, not less. Here's to many more years to blog!
Congratulations on your 10 years! I started following our blog and enjoying ing your new recipes when I first discovered it through a name search on Google for my name with the word "kitchen".
Happy Blog Birthday Kalyn! You're such an inspiration to me and so many other bloggers out there, and we all love you and thank you for your great recipes, and your willingness to connect and share 🙂
Loved this! When I started in 2007 it felt like there were two groups of food bloggers — daring Bakers, and everyone else ? I think I found you the first time through Elise and you had already been at it a couple of years! Your passion, organization, and dependability are inspiring. Here is to many more years of all of the above. I totally agree with all of it helping keep the mind flexible and young!
Thanks Kelly. I was in awe of the Daring Bakers even though I knew I was barely daring enough to turn on the oven. So glad we got to connect and hang out a little!
Congrats on an amazing milestone Kalyn!! I've made countless recipes of yours over the years and enjoyed every single one. You were the very first food blog I followed many years ago and you are truly an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your passion with all of us with such humbleness and kindness 🙂 Kaitlin @ TheGardenGrazer
My life has been enriched by your recipes, but more by the feeling of connection, that I actually know you (and that you know me). My kids may think it's weird, but I don't.
I've also been inspired by your willingness to share your political views.
Thanks Deb! I do feel like we "know" each other! So glad you have enjoyed the recipes. I try to keep the politics on my personal Facebook, but I could never stop talking about it!
I, too, am a teacher (a substitute teacher for the last 12 years by choice for the flexible schedule) and I have been blogging since the start of 2010. I see my food blog as another form of teaching. I love it when I hear from young people who have overcome a fear of cooking with the help of my blog. Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! You a truly a food blog pioneer and I admire your work. And you still are a teacher! 🙂
Wow, I did not know it had been that long!! Congratulations! Around my house, I just refer to your recipes as KK and my hubby knows what website to check (he is retired, me not yet). What I really, really appreciate is that your recipes are tested and for me they just never fail.
What a great way to celebrate your blog's birthday, Kalyn. And what an accomplishment it is…I just hit 5 years which seemed amazing, so 10 years is phenomenal!
Your blog has enriched *my* life in so many ways. First, by setting the bar high for those of us who blog. And second, by enabling us to meet and become friends in real life. I can't imagine any other way that would have happened. Congratulations on a decade of wonderful, creative recipes and inspiration!
Congratulations, Kalyn, and a huge round of applause for 10 amazing years. You share so much with the world, freely and generously, and I for one am very grateful for that. It has been a pleasure knowing you for most of these 10 years in the blogging world. Cheers!
76 Comments on “Kalyn’s Kitchen Turns Ten Years Old (and Ten Ways Blogging Has Enriched My Life.)”
Congratulations on 10 years just packed full of tasty and healthy recipes!
Thanks Kevin! Truly I can hardly believe it's been ten years.
Wishing you a very, very happy blog birthday! Such wise words too, and many sentiments that I share. I am proud to have been your friend for much of the past ten years, even though we have yet to meet in person (but I live in hope, especially when I read about your travel plans!). Here's to the next ten years!
Jeanne, managing to meet up with you is definitely on my "to do" list for the next 10 years! Thanks for all the kind words.
Happy anniversary! xx
Thanks David! Ten years; I can't believe it!
Wow! Congratulations Kalyn on 10 years of a great blog with good recipes and interesting writing! A great resource for me since I like to cook great food. You are amazing with or without the blog! I'm lucky to have you as an amazing sister.
love, Val
Thanks Val, and I am lucky to have you as a sister too, love ya!
Congratulations Kalyn – that is amazing! You were one of the first blogs I started following when I began blogging nearly 5 years ago. I really admire all the consistent high quality posts you continue to bring to your audience. I know how much work goes into it so I am incredibly grateful to have gotten to meet you. Thank you for always being so supportive and best wishes for at least another 10 years!
Thanks Jeanette; how your blog has grown in five years. I agree, so glad we got to meet. Hopefully again someday!
Congratulations on ten great years!! I enjoyed reading over the anniversary posts from each year — double digits is a big deal!! I'm so very grateful to have such an inspiring sister and friend. Much love…
Thanks Laurel; love you too!
Congrats Kalyn! Your blog and ethics have always been inspiration to me. What an amazing accomplishment and I can't wait to see what the next 10 years brings you.
Thank you Alyssa! I am really excited to make the decision to travel more, so that's definitely one thing that's coming.
I love it! Thanks so much for the inspiration you give me and my blog. Congrats on the anniversary. What a milestone!
Thanks Karen! Meeting people like you has definitely been part of the fun.
Congrats on ten great years! You were one of the first blogs I discovered when I started blogging seven years ago. Of course, now you are my social media queen.
Thanks Pam! It's been fun having so many long-time blogging friends.
Congratulations, what a great achievement!
Thanks Kathy!
Love your blog, since I started following "South Beach", you are my go to for everything. Love your recipes. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary…
Thanks Gudie, so glad you're enjoying the recipes!
I should have added…what has enriched my life the last 10 years:
My kids!
Blogging – it has given me a career as well, one I could never have planned on as well as so many travel opportunities as well as friendships
The kids do seem pretty awesome! Maybe some day I will get to meet them in person.
Oh Kalyn, happy 10th birthday to your blog!! I just love it and you and I really love all of your reflections in this post. I started reading you when I was on south beach 7-8 years ago and I'll never forget meeting you in Park City at Evo, that was such a highlight for me. Your hard work shows in everything you do, glad we know each other through this fun thing they call blogging! 🙂 xoxo
Thanks Aggie; you're one of those bloggers I really have a soft spot for too, so it's a mutual thing! xoxo
I am a new follower but recently made your Mock Lasagna/spaghetti squash style. It was fantastic! I also have tried your method of freezing fresh basil. Congratulations and thank you for sharing such great recipes and ideas! Nancy
Thanks Nancy, and so glad you have been enjoying the recipes.
What a beautiful, positive post, Kalyn! Happy 10th blogiversary! You've been a true inspiration and friend to your readers and fellow bloggers/friends. I'm so glad that you're going to continue to be there for us all. 🙂 I'm also happy that you're going to do more traveling and enjoy yourself!
Big hugs and thank you many times over!
Thanks Shirley. I really can't imagine not blogging, but I'm excited about the traveling.
Happy 10 years Kalyn! What an accomplishment!
Thanks Annalise! It's been a great ten years!
Comment from Genie Gratto, who can't get Blogger to publish her comment so she delivered it to me via e-mail!
10 years!!! Many congratulations, and I'm so grateful to have considered you a blogger colleague AND a friend for so many of those years. Here's to the next decade — may it be as fruitful as this one has been! You are such a valuable member of the food blogging community, and an inspiration to so many of us.
Genie, you are such a sweetheart to figure out a way to get this to me!
Congratulations Kalyn!!! What a wonderful accomplishment. And a testament to all your hard work. All the best!
Thanks so much Christal! It's been a good ten years.
Congratulations Kalyn! Has it really been 10 years? Whenyou created your blog it was the first one I "favorited" and read daily. So many wonderful recipes. So much good eating. I've been away for a while. I'm so glad I'm back enjoying your blog again. More good eating!
Thanks CJ, and welcome back. I can hardly believe it's been ten years!
You are one of the first blogs I found when I started to eat low carb. I have been reading you for at least 7 years and a few family favorites come from your site. Way to go on achieving 10 years, that's amazing.
Thanks, and so glad you've been enjoying the recipes!
Congratulations on ten years foodblogging! That is such a huge achievement, especially in blog years. 🙂 Yay!
Thanks Eileen. I know what you mean. Seems like a lot of blogs burn out quickly.
Congratulations! That is a hug accomplishment. If there's one thing I've learned about you over the years it's that when you do something, you do it well. Happy celebrating!
Thanks Angee. That means a lot to me. I always try to do my best!
Congratulations Kalyn. As the years progress, I wonder how long my blog will last, but it is nice that you were able to make a bigger part of your life, not less. Here's to many more years to blog!
Thanks Janet, and your blog seems to be going strong to me!
Congratulations on your 10 years! I started following our blog and enjoying ing your new recipes when I first discovered it through a name search on Google for my name with the word "kitchen".
Kaylin, how fun. I've been amazed how many other people I've heard from through the years with variations of the name Kalyn.
Happy Blog Birthday Kalyn! You're such an inspiration to me and so many other bloggers out there, and we all love you and thank you for your great recipes, and your willingness to connect and share 🙂
Thank you so much Anne, my pleasure!
Loved this! When I started in 2007 it felt like there were two groups of food bloggers — daring Bakers, and everyone else ? I think I found you the first time through Elise and you had already been at it a couple of years! Your passion, organization, and dependability are inspiring. Here is to many more years of all of the above. I totally agree with all of it helping keep the mind flexible and young!
Thanks Kelly. I was in awe of the Daring Bakers even though I knew I was barely daring enough to turn on the oven. So glad we got to connect and hang out a little!
I remember the Daring Bakers … And the Barefoot Bloggers (I was one of them!) lol. Kalyn I also remember your Saturday herb posts…always loved those
Aggie, those were fun times!
Congrats on an amazing milestone Kalyn!! I've made countless recipes of yours over the years and enjoyed every single one. You were the very first food blog I followed many years ago and you are truly an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your passion with all of us with such humbleness and kindness 🙂
Kaitlin @ TheGardenGrazer
Kaitlin, thanks so much! I am so grateful for the support and nice feedback.
Congratulations and much continued success!
My life has been enriched by your recipes, but more by the feeling of connection, that I actually know you (and that you know me). My kids may think it's weird, but I don't.
I've also been inspired by your willingness to share your political views.
Thanks for everything. Blog on, Kalyn!
Thanks Deb! I do feel like we "know" each other! So glad you have enjoyed the recipes. I try to keep the politics on my personal Facebook, but I could never stop talking about it!
I, too, am a teacher (a substitute teacher for the last 12 years by choice for the flexible schedule) and I have been blogging since the start of 2010. I see my food blog as another form of teaching. I love it when I hear from young people who have overcome a fear of cooking with the help of my blog. Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! You a truly a food blog pioneer and I admire your work. And you still are a teacher! 🙂
Thanks Kath. I do think often about how much teaching experience has probably made me a better blogger!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Thank you for your recipes; many have become real family favourites.
Anna I love hearing that, thanks!
Wow, I did not know it had been that long!! Congratulations! Around my house, I just refer to your recipes as KK and my hubby knows what website to check (he is retired, me not yet). What I really, really appreciate is that your recipes are tested and for me they just never fail.
Diana, I'm so glad to hear the recipes are reliable for you. I have fun testing them with Jake and Kara!
Thank you and especially all the ways BlogHer has supported me over the 10 years!
What a great way to celebrate your blog's birthday, Kalyn. And what an accomplishment it is…I just hit 5 years which seemed amazing, so 10 years is phenomenal!
Thanks Carolyn. The ten years went by so quickly. But it's still kind of mind-boggling. Can't wait to meet you at Eat Write Retreat!
Happy Blogversary, Kalyn! You don't look at day over 5! Still fresh and brilliant.
Thank you Jory! I'm so happy for all the ways BlogHer has helped me during this 10 years!
congratulations on this milestone, Kalyn! Keep up the amazing work!
Thanks Rita, it's been a wonderful ten years!
Your blog has enriched *my* life in so many ways. First, by setting the bar high for those of us who blog. And second, by enabling us to meet and become friends in real life. I can't imagine any other way that would have happened. Congratulations on a decade of wonderful, creative recipes and inspiration!
Thank you Lydia. I feel absolutely the same way about you and your blog. So happy we got to be friends!
Congratulations, Kalyn, and a huge round of applause for 10 amazing years. You share so much with the world, freely and generously, and I for one am very grateful for that. It has been a pleasure knowing you for most of these 10 years in the blogging world. Cheers!
Thanks Nupur, and ditto to you. I'm so glad we got to actually meet in person; hope we will meet at least a few more times someday!