Last Friday I showed you the photos from the trip to Wyoming and promised some photos of the actual family campout. You’ve heard the expression “Happy Camper?” Well, this is Cooper (age 5) and he has captured a pine beetle (oh the excitement!) This year we had a relatively small group and very few kids were there, but Cooper definitely managed to have a great time with the bugs.
This is a not-especially-well-composed (!) photo of where we were, but it does give an idea of what the area was like. We were in the group site at New Fork Lake campground outside of Pinedale, Wyoming. (Not sure why my car had the door open!)
This is Cooper’s little sister Sophie, wearing her best jewelry for the camping trip! These two kids belong to my niece Kara and her husband Tim; they are both great parents.
Of course food is an important part of camping! This was Rosemary Mustard Grilled Chicken which I made on Saturday night. I was using my sister Pam’s camping grill, which worked great for the chicken.
My brother Mark is a good cook, and he made these camp potatoes (with bacon and sausage both, which made them extra tasty!) Obviously, this was not a South Beach friendly dish, but Mark and I agree that you can splurge a bit when you’re camping!
On Saturday afternoon. a moose wandered right into camp, and Rand grabbed my camera and took some pictures. The moose didn’t seem to pay much attention to us.
Then after a while the moose just lumbered back into the forest, with Rand following for a while for a few final shots. I hadn’t ever seen a moose before that I could remember, and I actually didn’t get that close to it!
Finally, a view of New Fork Lake, which is very scenic but has relatively little boat traffic because there is a strong undertow in many parts of the lake.
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Great pics Kalyn. The ictures of the moose are awesome, especially from my flat in London – I sometimes think these creatures are fictional or something!!
There’s something nice about cooking while camping — the food just tastes better. We didn’t go camping last year and haven’t done it this year, so your photos are making me miss it. Thanks for sharing — it looks like you all had a wonderful (and well-fed) time!
4 Comments on “Friday Night Photos: Family Campout At New Fork Lake in Wyoming”
Love the pictures! I can’t believe that moose – we’re doing good to see a deer around here!
Great pics Kalyn. The ictures of the moose are awesome, especially from my flat in London – I sometimes think these creatures are fictional or something!!
I can’t believe you missed a chance to cook a moose! 🙂
There’s something nice about cooking while camping — the food just tastes better. We didn’t go camping last year and haven’t done it this year, so your photos are making me miss it. Thanks for sharing — it looks like you all had a wonderful (and well-fed) time!