Five Fun Things on Friday (5-14-10)
Am I the only one who notices how sometimes the weeks just go roaring by? Already it’s Friday night and time for a fun recap of things I’ve spotted this week, starting with pizza on the grill.
Fun Thing #1: Ten Grilled Pizza Ideas at Blogher
I write once a week for, and this week I had fun learning more about how to make pizza on the grill. If you’ve never made grilled pizza (like me!) there are ten great recipe ideas in that post to get you started, including Easy Whole Wheat Pizza on the Grill from my blogging friend Lydia (pictured above.)
Fun Thing #2: 29 More Ideas for Pizza Topping
While we’re talking about pizza, how about 29 interesting and unique ideas for pizza toppings. You may like to try one of these new ideas on your grilled pizza. (Hat tip to Cheap Healthy Good for the link.)
Fun Thing #3: World’s Largest Batch of Hummus!
I love, love, love hummus, but who knew that Lebanon and Israel were having a “hummus war” to see who could make the biggest batch of my favorite chickpea concoction. Apparently Lebanon is currently winning the hummus war.
Fun Thing #4: The World’s Most Dangerous Foods
One of the best things about travel is trying new foods, but Travel and Leisure has an interesting list of foods you may not want to try.
Fun Thing #5: Mona Lisa Made From Cups of Coffee
Art installations can be a lot of fun, but quite honestly, sometimes I don’t really get the point. I guess you have to have the soul of a true artist to understand why anyone would take time to create the Mona Lisa made from 3,604 cups of coffee.
Now it’s time to kick back and start enjoying the weekend, but if you have any interesting links you’ve found this week around the web, please do share in the comments! If you need just a little more Friday Fun, you can use the label for Five Fun Things on Friday to see fun things I’ve shared on other Fridays!
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9 Comments on “Five Fun Things on Friday (5-14-10)”
Wow! So thrilled to see you enjoyed my pizza sauce article on Wise Bread. Thanks for the link love!
I have the same feeling – I just cannot believe we are in mid May already, this year is flying by!
As to grilling pizza, I use a slightly different take on it: I put my baking tiles (actually simply unglazed terracota tiles bought at HOme Depot) on the grill, and use it pretty much like an oven. It reaches a very high temperature, and since I transfer the dough to the grill on the parchment paper, it makes it very easy to "grill"
We also made pizzas on the grill this past Friday – so much fun!
Thanks Kalyn. I will give that a try.
Kamran, I think at your age the time shouldn't be going by that quickly!
esper_d, good point!
Ilva, the months are streaming by here too.
Jacqueline, hope you find a new pizza topping idea that will be a hit.
Jan, I haven't made pizza crust, but I would just substitute white whole wheat flour for the white flour (using a combination of white whole wheat and whole wheat.) I'm pretty sure that would work. White whole wheat is pretty interchangeable with white flour.
I would love to try grilling pizza. Have you found a good dough recipe that uses all whole wheat flour? Every recipe I see for whole wheat pizza dough seems to use part all purpose flour.
This was good timing for me Kayln. I was planning on making a variety of mini pizzas tomorrow and was yet to decide on toppings ๐
Not just weeks, the months seem to play the same trick with me. And I don't even live a fast life! And thank you for the links, I especially liked the one with dangerous foods, good to know in case I want to walk life on the wild side!
Art doesn't have to have a point. It's about creativity and imagination.
Kalyn, I feel the same way about the weeks!
Also, lovely recap of the things you spotted this week!
Great post! ๐