Five Fun Things on Friday (4-15-11)
This is just a corner of my spice drawer, and I definitely don’t replace them every 6 months! |
Today is Friday, April 15, and not only is it traditional income tax day for the U.S., but April 15 is the birthday of two of my sisters and one of my best friends. Happy Birthday to Susan, Val, and Vida! Friday is also the day when I sometimes share fun things I’ve been finding on the internet, and lately I’ve found so many fun things that I’m overdue to share a few of them.
Fun Thing #1: Ignore the Advice About Replacing Spices
If you read cookbooks, food magazines, or food blogs, I’m sure you’ve seen well-meaning “experts” talk about how spices lose potency and it’s important to replace them every six months or so. I’ve never been that good at replacing spices regularly, so I loved On Spice Fade, and The Utter Insanity of Throwing Away Spices After Six Months from Daniel at Casual Kitchen. Go read it, and let us know what you think in the comments. (Via Top Ten Links of the Week at Cheap Healthy Good.)
Fun Thing #2: Recipe Writing Cheat Sheet
Whether you’re a food blogger or just a home cook who’s sharing recipes with friends, I bet you’ll learn something from this Recipe Writing Cheat Sheet created by food blogger and cookbook editor Justin from Just Cook NYC. (And I was relieved that I seem to be mostly doing it correctly, thanks Justin!)
Fun (or Informative) Thing #3: Is Sugar Toxic?
I don’t eat much sugar, but whenever I do eat something with sugar I notice that right away I want to eat more sugar. For me that’s a pretty good reason to try to avoid it. If you struggle with sugar or just want more incentive to avoid the empty calories, you need to read Is Sugar Toxic from The New York Times.
Fun Thing #4: When Harry Met Sally 2 from Roger Ebert
I think Roger Ebert is one of the most interesting people on Twitter, and he recently shared a link to this video about When Harry Met Sally 2 with Billy Crystal and Helen Mirren. This is hilarious; go watch it and see how current-day filmmakers make “just a few” changes in the sequel.
Fun Thing #5: OCD Cutting Board
I have a neighbor who accuses me of having Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder because of the way I like things in my house and yard arranged just so, so maybe that’s why this OCD Cutting Board appeals to me so much! (From BoingBoing.)
Now it’s your turn to share! I know I’m not the only one who wastes time clicking around on the web, so what fun things have you seen this week? Please share in the comments and let us in on the fun! If you need just a little more Friday Fun, you can use the label for Five Fun Things on Friday to see fun things I’ve shared on other Fridays!
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15 Comments on “Five Fun Things on Friday (4-15-11)”
Thanks Meg!
Haha this post is great I am really excited to go check out all those links!
I just found your blog and am really enjoying it! Can't wait to see more ๐
Sarah, interesting post by Sarah Wilson, thanks for sharing that.
Justin, so glad to hear that people are using my links! I have a lot of fun finding them.
thanks for the link — a LOT of people came over to my blog from yours
Thanks for the link to Is Sugar Toxic?. I have recently been reading about Sarah Wilson's decision to quit sugar. Her posts are informative and the hundreds of comments provide plenty more facts and motivation to eat less sugar.
Elle, thanks for chiming in.
Chris, glad you liked the links!
Chris, my spices are partly in a big drawer and the rest are on slide-out shelves, all with labels on the top.
Surprised to see your spices with the "labeling" on top. Just what i have done. Mine are all in one big bin away from the heat of the oven. When I cook, out comes the spice bin with everything labeled so I can spot it:)
That OCD cutting board will go on the Christmas list for a few I know ๐ Thanks a million for the recipe cheat sheet link. A few of those I needed to know.
Thanks for the links, Kalyn.
I'm afraid I'm not a fan of Gary Taubes's writing. I'm a health professional and a medical researcher studying among other things the relationship between cancer and nutrition. I tried reading Mr. Taubes's book "Good calories bad calories" but his writing reads to me like a pseudo-academic infomercial at best – He writes about medical research without giving even one citation of a scientific article! How can I take seriously a word he writes?
Lydia, I laughed and laughed too when I watched it!
Thanks Annie. And I have thrown away a few spices but they were many years old!
Big Dude, it's probably even a bit anal for me, but I do think it might be fun for certain things!
Thanks for posting about the spices. As an ex-engineer, I can be pretty anal about things, but that cutting board is over the top, even for me :-).
#4 is hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.
Sandi, you know how I am about symmetry of cut!
Izzy, I have a big drawer and two shelves of spices; it's an addiction!
Your spice collection looks a lot like mine! A mix of random jars and containers I've collected and every imaginable spice!
Love it. ๐
That cutting board is Awesome! I guess we can see eye to eye on that!
Fabulous friday~